Personal training at any place that works the best for you. 

Who we are 

Personalized approach to a complete sport & vitality programme: You define your needs, and we find the best way to meet them. We look at the bigger picture and help you get even better, find balance and satisfaction in day-to-day life. With our quality above quantity approach, we focus on bringing out the best in you. We look at your physical and mental health, combine your workout plan with the proper healthy lifestyle guidelines and support you along the way. 

In addition, we let you decide when and where you want to be coached - no more worries about running late for your next meeting or stressing about finding a nanny. 

 The benefits

We help you 
  • to find your balance
  • to restore your vitality/become vigorous
  • to improve your physical and mental health 

So you will feel
  • content with yourself/ your life 
  • proud of how far you have come 
  • and (re)gain self-confidence 

  • to find your limits and expand your boundaries
  • to be more present in the moment 
  • to back off when needed 
  • to make time for yourself 
  • to recharge 
Book your free intake now


Vitality is the state of being full of life and energy. In both the physical and mental sense, vitality refers to a feeling of aliveness. In the physical sense, this vitality refers to feeling healthy and capable and energetic. Psychologically, this state of aliveness brings a sense that one's actions have meaning and purpose.


Creating a balanced life means making time for the things you have to do, as well as the things you want to do. You have the power to create harmony between your responsibilities and finding time daily to do things that bring you pleasure, personal fulfillment, and rejuvenation.


The mind and the body are naturally linked. Whilst a person focuses on his physical health, he or she will eventually experience a greater mental and emotional vibe. Physical activity can have a huge impact on mental and emotional health, relieve stress, enhance your memory and help lead an improved life.









I have a satisfying experience with Victoria. First of all, I love that she focuses on the healthy progressive development of the body, not a hype "one month result" that brings no strength and no confidence to people. With Victoria, I've learned that real strength and wellbeing - mean balance and slow but gradual improvement of all parts of the body. She developed the training program and long term goal for me. Because now, with Victoria, I much better understand my own body, I feel much more confident and encouraged to continue working out. I strongly recommend S&VT for people who're set upon long-lasting results and health improvements of their body.


S&VT is the place to be if you want to see and feel results. Victoria is an expert in all matters related to sports, health, diet. Under her direction, I significantly improved my back strength and flexibility. At the same time, I managed to get fit for the holiday season. Be warned though, - she won’t let you slack off!


SV&T is the right place for the training & getting back to my normal condition after covid-19 lockdown. You might ask why?! It’s simple, as before getting started, Victoria is asking: what are the needs? What do I want to change in my body & what are my goals? After this, she creates an individual program. Victoria is a great coach who motivates you to go the extra mile & to do as many as possible exercises without hurting your body. She explains the technique of each movement and makes sure that I’m doing them correctly. Victoria adjusts the program on the spot if she sees that exercises are too difficult for me. She is a very flexible & easy-going person, which makes communication easy. She is a very professional and knowledgeable trainer and also gives some nutrition advice. I've enjoyed my workouts a lot. I feel very energized after it & whenever I look at my body, I see some changes. 


Ik ben al een tijdje bezig onder begeleiding van Victoria en het helpt mij om fit te blijven. Ik nam het initiatief om het te gaan sporten en wil graag juist in deze tijden mijzelf gezond houden. 

Nu er geen voetbal is, wil ik op een andere manier voor mijzelf zorgen, zowel fysiek als mentaal. Ik was positief verbaasd over hoe gevarieerd de trainingen zijn! We werken aan mijn algemene fitheid en mijn specifieke verbeterpunten zoals balans en core. Ik merk nu al dat ik vooruitga. 

Onze coaching sessies zijn ook een momentje voor mijzelf, zeg ik altijd; zo kan ik me afsluiten van mijn drukke kantoordag en lekker tijd voor mijzelf nemen, het geeft me rust. 


Ik heb reuma en heb het altijd lastig gevonden om mijn trainingsroutine veilig te houden. Trainen bij gewone gyms helpt mij niet en maakt het alleen maar erger, ik heb echt een-op-een begeleiding nodig. Om deze reden ben ik bij S&VT terecht gekomen. 

Victoria creëert een vertrouwde omgeving en zorgt ervoor dat ik mij prettig en veilig voel. Wij gaan met kleine stapjes vooruit en dat geeft mij voldoening, geen set backs meer.

Afhankelijk van me welzijn pasen wij de oefenstof per training aan en ik ben altijd gehoord. Victoria pusht mij nooit te ver en onze trainingen zorgen juist voor extra energie. 

Ik heb meer rust in me hoofd, voel me fitter en sterker. 


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